
Together We Can – West Essex Community Action Network

Delivering voluntary sector services for West Essex

WECAN exists to build stronger links and opportunities between the VCS, Commissioners, statutory partners and business for the benefit of the community in West Essex, and to facilitate and coordinate bids which add capacity and value to local service delivery.

WECAN is a partnership initiative headed by two of the leading voluntary sector organisations serving West Essex – Rainbow Services Harlow and Voluntary Action Epping Forest. Our well-established relationship with our local communities as well as with local public sector and statutory organisations provides us with a sound platform upon which to build and strengthen the capacity and reputation of the whole of the voluntary and community sector across West Essex.

Working with Commissioners

WECAN creates a way for more local VCSEs to play a part in the delivery of larger contracts of work, whilst maintaining the economies of scale that commissioners need.

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Working with VCSEs

WECAN aims to put VCSEs across the locality in a better position to compete for larger pieces to provides better outcomes for service users, adding to the capacity and resilience of the sector locally, and maintaining a diverse and thriving sector.

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About Us

West Essex Community Action Network (WECAN) is a consortium led by two voluntary sector infrastructure organisations covering West Essex: Rainbow Services and Voluntary Action Epping Forest.

We are drawing on our strong history with a mission to build stronger links and opportunities between the VCS, Commissioners, statutory partners and business for the benefit of the community in West Essex,

WECAN is a company limited by guarantee (11340969) with a board representing the partner organisations.