We are pleased to announce the launch of two new Bereavement Cafes in West Essex

Bereavement Cafes are a safe place to talk and connect with people who understand

Do you feel like you are struggling to come to terms with a loss and would like support?

Join us for tea, coffee, cake and conversation. Or if you would prefer we also have private one-to-one support is all available through the WECAN Bereavement Support Service

Waltham Abbey Bereavement Cafe

When: The first Friday of the month. 9.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

Where: Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre, Hillhouse, EN9 3EL

Chigwell Bereavement Cafe

When: The first Thursday of the month. 0.15 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.

Where: The Limes Centre, Limes Avenue, Ghigwell. IG7 5LP

For further information please contact bereavement@westessexcan.org or telephone 07967 726851