Acts of kindness within our communities are so important and can make all the difference. Just giving an hour of your time is all it can take. Harlow’s United in Kind coach Sarah has been finding out about the local community created by a local church and how they have been supporting anyone who is feeling lonely to connect with others. The church has noticed that a lot of people were lonely in their community. Before the pandemic they would go to coffee mornings where anyone was welcome. They offered tea, coffee and cake and support to those who needed it. They found that many people needed somewhere to go and chat with others. Then when lockdown came along, they were no longer to offer the same service.
After restrictions were lifted, they got together to think how best they could help and decided to reach out to the community by holding an open coffee day morning. They welcomed anyone who came through their doors with a big smile, hello and a cup of tea. They encouraged people to chat, and volunteers engaged with residents who came along.
As it was an open day, they had decorated the church with flowers, paintings etc. which were a great talking point for those who may have struggled to communicate with others. I went along as I wanted to find more about the work that they do in the community. I really enjoyed speaking with people who had volunteered their time to run the open day and hear about the great things they already do. It has given me the opportunity to meet those who may need support and to make new connections with the group and find ways in which I may be able to support what they do for isolation and loneliness.